I dreamed up a plan to solve both problems at once 我想出了一个方案,可以同时解决两个问题。
The event was dreamed up by Mick Jagger 这事是米克·贾格尔的凭空捏造。
His son hadn't dreamed it up. 他儿子并没有虚构此事。
Don't dream up such an excuse. 别找这种借口了。
On most projects, the ability for people to dream up new requirements easily outstrips the ability for any team to deliver them within the time and budget allotted. 对大多数项目来说,人们构思出新需求的能力很容易超过任何团队能够在时间以及预算配额内发布他们的能力。
I had to give my dream up. 我不得不放弃我的梦想。
If you dream up a new specialism& ethical hacker, pet psychologist, nutrition coach? 如果你想出了一种新职业&有道德的黑客、宠物心理师或营养教练?
Once the troublesome mind begins to compose speeches and dream up arguments, especially if these are clever, it will soon imagine it is doing important work. 麻烦的脑袋一旦开始构思演说,编造巧思辩论,很快就会以为自己做的工作很重要。
It wasn't long ago we listened to the whir of a dot-matrix printer spitting out documents from our computers, now a 3D printer renders any object we can dream up the same way. 事实上,能让我们的电脑打印纸质文档的点矩阵打印机,还是不久之前才发明出来的,而现在3D打印机又以同样的方式,使我们梦想的各种物体都能呈现在我们眼前。
Google isn't the first to dream up such an idea& plenty of companies large and small are working on creating clothing that can connect to your phone. 谷歌并不是第一个有这种想法的公司&许多大大小小的公司都试图创造可以连接手机的服装。
Your love-struck friend will wonder if you feel the same way, and will probably dream up subtle tests to find out. 迷上你的那位朋友不知道你和他(她)的想法是否一样,因此就想出一些绝妙的测试来验证。
NASA failed to dream up a cover for extensive and brightly colored red dust! NASA忘记设计对广泛的色彩鲜明的红尘的掩盖了!
There are day dreamers and night dreamers who dream up make believe places. 白天做梦和晚上做梦的人,他们运用梦赐给他们的众多想象力,构造出/梦见虚假的地方。
You could dream up any scenario. 你可以幻想任何故事情节。
As we move toward the twenty-first century surely there is the need to dream up new institutions. 我们在向二十一世纪前进,确实有必要构想新的制度。
Just what we can dream up on the streets. 只有我们瞎想出来的街头舞步。
Where did you dream up that fantastic rumor? 你哪里想出如此怪诞的谣传?
Instead, they dream up conspiracy theories. 相反,他们会幻想阴谋论。
The noise of the shortness of the bell I was awakened from the dream up, and three in the morning, a day of boring and to start. 急促的闹铃把我从梦中惊醒醒,又是凌晨三点&一天的无聊又要开始。
Perhaps, but a company with annual revenues of £ 2bn should have a little more visibility about where things are going right and wrong, and should know better than to leave the market to dream up worst-case scenarios. 或许如此,但一家年收入20亿英镑的公司应该更加透明,让市场了解它在哪里进展顺利,又在哪里出了问题,而不是任由市场去想象最糟糕的情境。
His mission was to improve economics within government, using evidence to set policy, rather than using economists to dream up justifications for the policies already decided. 他的任务是改善政府内部的经济状况,利用事实证据来制定政策,而非让经济学家们凭空想象既定政策的合理性。
They must have a full-time staff to dream up all this gobbledygook. 他们当时一定是有一个专门炮制这类官样文章的人员班底。
Don't dream up thousand of reasons why you can't do what you want to; find one reason why you can. 不要空想出千百个理由来解释你为何不能做;你想做的事,找一个理由解释你为何要做吧。
They can always dream up some new excuse for the train arriving late. 他们总能够臆造出火车误点的藉口。
He could dream up the most fantastic rumors. 他能想出最怪诞的谣传。
This was not hard to dream up; the crown on this style of Buddha is naturally the correct shape for pulp extraction and juicer. 这不难想像,这类佛祖外型的头部就跟果肉萃取机和果汁机的形状一样。
Not to mention the other conspiracy theories that paranoid schizophrenics dream up. 更别说其他那些神经病疑神疑鬼幻想出来的阴谋论。
During class, I'd dream up excuses to turn around and look at her. 上课时,我的梦想借口回过头来看看她。
How can you dream up a crazy scheme like this? 你怎么能想出这样一个奇怪的计划呢?
Every single design element coming from Razer comes through my review and my full time job is pretty much to play games all day and dream up awesome kick ass cool stuff together with the Razer team. Razer产品的每一个设计元素的确定都需要经过我亲自审查,我的大多工作时间会花在的游戏中,并与Razer团队一起去创意出一些大家都觉得时尚又超级酷的东西。